Xin chào các bạn!
Chúng ta nghỉ việc ở công ty cũ, một vài lý do tế nhị mà công ty bạn muốn xin vào sẽ hỏi bạn lý do vì sao rời bỏ công ty cũ. Lúc đó bạn phải trả lời làm sao mà nhà tuyển dụng cảm thấy hài lòng với mình, bài học tiếng anh phỏng vấn xin việc hôm nay sẽ hướng dẩn các bạn cách trả lời khi gặp trường hợp như trên.
Nội dung video Học Tiếng Anh phỏng vấn xin việc Bài 5 - Phần 4
Reasons For Application (tiếp theo)Example 2:
1. What particularly are you most interested in about this company?
A. I have learned through the corporate information introduced in the media that your company has a good product and a strong nation service network, which is essential for customers spread out across the country. I know from experience tht having a good product is not enough to be successful in the market place. What is more important in this changing economy is providing service for the customers, which your company is doing an excellent job at.
B. I am most interested in working in one of the hotels abroad. I know you have strong presence in Australla, which is a country that I have always wanted to work in. I velieve tht companies with international presences are more advaced companes, and I would like to work at such an advanced company.
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Học Tiếng Anh phỏng vấn xin việc |
A. My favourite product is your fully automated digital book because it is handy and easy to read. It is also helpful for publishers and new authors. Traditional publishers reraly secect books written by unknown authors given limited potential demand. By adopting the digital book technology, the publisher does’t need to carry a large paper book umventory, and avoid the high rishs of cash flow shortage.
B. My favourite product is your fully automated digital book because it enables me to buy a new book and read it anywhere in the world. All I have to do is connect to the internet, and I can download whatever I want to read. This can be convenient when I am at home in California, but it is incredible when I am else where in the world far from English language book.3. What do you want to achieve in your next job?
A. I would like to work closely with my colleagues and exchange honest opinions in building up a custormer-oriented, serving team.
B. I want to make a difference. I don’t want to be a cog in a machine. I want to have responsibility and be avle to make a real difference ldeally, I would like a job where I can help people. I am flexible in how I ho this, but it is very important to me to help people.Phần cuối cùng trong bài 5 thuộc chủ đề học tiếng anh phỏng vấn xin viêc cũng không kém phần quan trọng, đó là lý do tại sao bạn lại rời bỏ công ty cũ.
Reasons For Leaving The Former Company
Trong phần này đòi hỏi đòi hỏi những lý do rất khôn ngoan, bởi vì biết đâu bạn có lý do nhưng nếu nói thẳng ra thì nó không hiệu quả vì thế bạn có thể tìm lý do nào đó hổ trợ tốt và cảm thấy rằng bạn là một người khá là ngoại giao trong cách cư xử.
Key sentences:
- What is the reason why you left your previous employer?
- The work is not bad, yet the salary is too small.
- The work is out of my field of expertise.
- There is no chance of advancement.
- I want to have a job wich offers me opportunity for advancement.
- I can iprove my position and have mỏe réponsibilities
- I want to look for a more challenging opportunity.
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Việc chuẩn bị trước phỏng vấn xin việc là rất quan trọng |
A: So have you worked in your present company for four years?
B: Yes, I have
A: Why do you want to resign?
B: As you know, I serve as a secretary in my present company. I really want to look for a more challenging opportunity.
A: Don’t you like the present work?
B: I like the work, but the salary is too small, as a man I really want to give my wife and my little daughter a better life.
A: So you decide to leave?
B: Yes, and my present job is similar to what you adavertised in the Monday’s newspaper.
A: That’s reason for your choosing our opportunity.
B: Yes, as my experience is closely related to this job.
A: Sure. I belive you can. Does your boss know you are leaving?
B: Yes, he understands me and would like to be my referee.Kết thúc bài 5 trong chủ đề học tiếng anh phỏng vấn xin viêc, nhóm dịch công chứng thuộc công ty dịch thuật Việt Uy Tín hy vọng các bạn có thể chuẩn bị thật đầy đủ câu trả lời thích hợp khi đi phỏng vấn. Các bạn hãy thật tự tin đối đáp với nhà tuyển dụng trong buổi phỏng vấn, để từ đó họ sẽ nhìn nhận được bạn phù hợp với công việc. Xin chào và hẹn gặp lại!
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