Toeic Speaking – Bài 6 P4 – Express An Opinion – Sample Test (Past 1)

Vậy là chúng ta đã kết thúc phần lý thuyết với Ms Hoa, hôm nay hãy đến với sample test của Ms Trang Van trong toeic speaking. Bài học hôm nay sẽ có một cuộc phỏng vấn giữa Ms Trang Van và Huy, cuộc đối thoại này sẽ có một số lỗi. Và cô ấy sẽ chỉ cho bạn một số lỗi trong cuộc hội thoại, đó sẽ là kinh nghiệm tuyệt vời dành cho bạn.

Nội dung video Toeic Speaking – Bài 6 P4 – Express An Opinion – Sample Test (Past 1)

What’s up, babes! Welcome back to Ms Hoa TOEIC! It’s Ms Trang Van.

Today, let’s have a look at a sample answer related to TOEIC speaking: Express an opinion. So, take a look at this situation with me.

Huy: May I come in

Ms Trang Van:
Yes, come in, please!

Huy: Good morning!

Ms Trang Van: Good morning! Are you Huy?

Huy: Yes 
Toeic Speaking – Bài 6 P4 – Express An Opinion
Tập nói tiếng anh với toeic speaking 
Ms Trang Van: Great! Ok, my name’s Trang Vân and then to day I will be your interviewer. So the first question. Ok, so the last question. Some companies prefer to promote their current employees to management position. But other companies, they prefer to recruit new managers from outside the company. Which do you prefer and why?

Huy: I prefer to promote a company’s current employees to management positions. First, employees are willing to work hard for the company when there chance for them to be promote to a management position employees think there is no possibility for them to be promotes, it’s very disappointing and discourages employees to working hard for the company. In addition, each team wants to have a manager who knows the members very well or who has been working with them. It is not easy for employees to get used to working with a new manager from outside _ company.

Ms Trang Van: Thank you for the interview, we will contact you if you pass interview round and then for the next section, the information will be send through email.

Đến phần trình bày của Ms Trang Van

So, What problem can you find from this situation? You think that we have any correction for it? See again and then go with me, ok?

Did you question clearly? Basicly, the question’s related to the perference and reason. So when you answer, don’t focus on the why and answer by because. Start the answer by “I prefer”.

So, he used “I prefer”, right? Alright, very good! But let’s listen the pronunciation he said /pə'siʃn/, is that right? /s/ => /z/ : /pə'ziʃn/.

Excellent! He said “there is chance”. So, we have a grammar mistake here, right? There is a chance, to be promoted (not to be promote).

You listen to him and find out the word “in addition” it is a really good word. When you want to add anything else don’t say “add” and “as well as” too much say “in addition” or “additionally” will give yo more in TOEIC speaking.

Okay! The last problem is related to “outside company” The same thing as the grammar before “out side the company”. It is a much better word, alright!

Alright! Finally, let’s conclude all the ideas that we collected from the sample situation today.

Toeic Speaking – Bài 6 P4 – Express An Opinion
Toeic speaking  trong công việc
First: Start the sentence by “prefer” not say “because” to make a more professional idea.

Secondly, remember to focus on the pronunciation of a word ending sound is important as well.

Thirdly, try to corrent grammar by adding the article before a noun and lastly, adding some conjunctions makes the cohesion much better.
  1. I prefer…
  2. Pronunciation & ending sound
  3. Grammar: the + Noun
  4. Adding conjuncition
Alright dearies, so if you find this video interesting. Look up for more other clips related to Speaking and Writing TOEIC and our chanel, see you then.

Cuộc hội thoại tuy ngắn nhưng vẫn có nhiều lỗi trong cách trả lời của Huy mà Ms Trang Van đã chỉ ra. Qua đó, bạn nên chú ý nhiều hơn, cần bỏ nhiều thời gian hơn để biết là mình sai ở chỗ nào và khắc phục ngay. Có như thế thì trình độ tiếng Anh của bạn ngày một nâng cao, đến khi gần giống như cách nói của người bản ngữ thì bạn đã thành công rồi đó.

Bài viết được hoàn thành bởi bộ phận thẻ tạm trú cho người nước ngoài thuộc công ty công ty dịch công chứng nhanh Việt Uy Tín.

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Điện thoại: 1900 633 379

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Điện thoại: 1900 633 379

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Điện thoại: 1900 633 379

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