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Hôm nay, công ty dịch thuật Việt Uy Tín tiếp tục mang đến phần 2 của bài 3 khóa học đọc hiểu tiếng Anh cơ bản. Bài học này nó sẽ giúp bạn có thêm một số từ vựng liên quan đến thức ăn và một số kiến thức về các chất dinh dưỡng giúp ích cho bạn trong cuộc sống hàng ngày.
Nội dung video Luyện đọc hiểu tiếng Anh - Bài 3 – Phần 2
Bây giờ chúng ta tiếp tục với phần 1 của bài trước:Food Facts and myths
1 Fruit juice is good for you.
- True and false. Natural trut juice is good for you but it can be bad for your teeth. So yes, have some orange juice with your or but oon dnnk any uuce between meas Try water instead .Up to eignt glasses of water a day is good for you and water hasn't got any calones!
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Đọc hiểu tiếng Anh |
- False. When you sleep you don’t eat for a long time and in the morning it’s important to start the day with a good breakfast (to be important to do sth). Without breakfast you often fell hungry the latter in the morning and start eating (start doing sth) biscuits or chocolate. These sugar snacks are not a good idea. (if you want a healthy snack try some nuts or melon)
- True and false. People drink coffee when they are fired, but it isn’t very healthy so don’t have more than two cups a day and don’t drink any coffee before you go to bed. Tea is generally good for you but drink it with lemon and dont put any milk or sugar in it Green tea is especially healthy .
- False. Vegetarian dishes often contain a lot of cheese and of cheese and oli and these can be very fattening. It’s important to eat some vegetables every day (Doctors say five portion vegetables and/or fruit). We need the vitamins and minerals, especial from green vegetables.
- False Carrots have a lot of vitamin A and vitamin A is good for your eyes. But nobody can really see in the dank
- False There are good and bad diets. For example real chocolate contains vitamins and minerals and can help you when you are tired. But it also has a lot of sugar, so don’t eat it often Eat a balanced (adj - cân bằng) diet with some rice pasta bread or noodles and lots of vegetables and fruit. You also need protean, from meat, fried fish cheese or nuts. And you need oil given of and fish of are particularly good.
Read the text again. Answer the questions:
- How many vegatables we need everday?
- What are sugary snacks meantioned in the text?
- What are heatlly snack?
- What shoud not be put in tea?
- What is bad your listen?
- What vitamin does carrot have?
- What of particularly good?
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Đọc hiểu tiếng Anh mỗi ngày |
- Voca/ grammar check
- Có lợi cho sức khỏe: to be heathy.
- Đồ ăn chay: Vegetarian food
- Cái gì đó tốt cho ai: sth is good/ bad for sb/ sth
- Mì: noodes
- Mì Ý: pasta
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