Xin chào các bạn!
Đầu những năm 1960, các nhà nghiên cứu chính phủ Mỹ đã tạo ra mạng máy tính, tiền thân của Internet sau này. Tuy nhiên người nêu ra kiến thức về mạng thông tin toàn cầu là nhà khoa học máy tính người Anh “Berners - Lee”. Ông đã cho ra đời trang web đầu tiên năm 1990. Bài viết được công ty dịch thuật Việt Uy Tín sưu tầm và chia sẻ.
Luyện đọc hiểu tiếng Anh cơ bản - Bài 4
Nội dung video Luyện đọc hiểu tiếng Anh – Bài 4
Outline- Vocabulary : Life time activites
- Skill: Filling in fact file- developing scanning skill and starting guessing words in context
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Luyện đọc hiểu tiếng Anh |
An ordinary life……… amazing idea
Nhiệm vụ của bạn điền vào chổ trống và đọc bài đoán nghĩa dựa vào ngữ cảnh.
Tiếp tục bài 3 phần khóa học đọc hiểu tiếng Anh cơ bản
- Tim Bemers Lee looks (look + adj = trống như thế nào) very ordinary. He’s about fifty years old and has brown har . He was born in England but now lives Massachusetts in the USA But in 1989 Tim had a very important idea. He invented the wond wide web(www).
- Tim went to school in London. Both his parents worked with computers so it it’s surprising that he loved computers from an early age. When the was eighteen, he left school and went for Oxford Univesity where he studied physics. A Oxford, he became more and more interested in computers, and he made his first computer from an old television He graduated in 1976 and got a job with a computer company in Dorset. England in 1989, he went to work in Satzerland where he first had the idea of an international information network linked by computer He decided to call the world wide web, and he also decided to make his ideas free to everyone that is why today we do not pay to use the internet.
- In 1994 he went to live in the United States where he now work in 1995 he wrote an article in the New York. Times where he said. The web is a universe of information and it is for everyone .Today his idea of a web, where people from all over the world can exchange information, is real.
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Luyên học tiếng anh |
- Ordinary : not special, normal
- Invent /in’ven/:make (-made), create (-created)
- Surprising : difficult to understand, amazing
Guessing words basing in context 1
- Step 1: Scan the text to find the word
- Step 2: Read before and after the word carefully to make a fist of words
- Step 3: Choose out the best meaning from the list
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